Will and Bailey’s dating session last year is one of those that just makes me drool every time I go back to it. Two beautiful people who adore each other, goofing off and joking around, and the coup de grâce – THAT LIGHT. I mean, omg. This fall afternoon in south Alabama can’t be beat.
Okay, okay, I can hear you saying, “But, Katie, it isn’t fall in Alabama yet.” I know. Their session was actually late last November, I’m just running behind with this blog posting ish. TBH, I was only this many years old when I decided to start a blog in order to tell y’all all about my wonderful clients – which means I get to go back through sessions like these and re-experience that light all over again. Yay!
Maybe I’ll even get to go back and take pictures of W + B this fall, too, and we’ll get a double whammy of their gorgeousness. Who knows? It is 2020 after all – at this point, anything can happen.