One thing I’ve noticed in my years doing senior pictures is that guys are often much more nervous than their female counterparts about having their pictures done. I get that – they tend to spend less time being valued for their appearance as young ladies do, and are less accustomed to primping and prepping, staring at the mirror, and being told how cute or lovely they are. The world that our girls grow up in today is one that places such a high emphasis on physical beauty, while men often get a pass on the same level of scrutiny. This tends to make men uncomfortable when they are placed in front of a camera, and even the thought of being stared at through a lens is enough to cause nerves. If any guys are reading this and nodding their heads, I’m here today to tell you – you’re in luck!
Posing for men is so much simpler than posing ladies – and I can do the soft smiles/serious face/telling bad jokes to get a good laugh thing ALL DAY. Take Cam in the picture below; all I said was, “Okay, just stare at me without smiling, cross your arms, andddd go!” Another easy pose? For anyone who has hands (lol, most of us), stick them in your pocket and we’re good to go! Joke’s on us ladies since, for some reason, clothing designers still haven’t figured out how to give women pockets that are actually functional… Seriously, what is up with that?
“Okay, now walk toward me and act like you’re rolling up your sleeves.” See how easy this is? Totally (mostly) painless.
Cam was a kick-A basketball player in high school and is honestly such a great kid to be around. He’s headed to Auburn University this fall to start as a freshman. War Eagle!
Feb 17, 2019